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Eastham Historical Society, Inc

By-Laws as revised and amended at the Annual Meeting May 13, 2024


Eastham Historical Society, Inc

Approved at Annual Meeting – May 13, 2024



Section 1 - The object of the Eastham Historical Society Inc. shall be to create and foster an interest in the history of the Town of Eastham; to promote historical research and education, to collect documents and artifacts, and provide for their custody and to maintain and preserve the museums and properties belonging to the Eastham Historical Society.


Section 1 - The fiscal year shall commence with the first day of January and end with the

thirty-first day of December.


Section 1 - The Officers shall consist of a President, a Vice President, a Second Vice President, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer. The President, with the consent of the Board, shall appoint a Membership Chairperson, an Archivist/Genealogist, Curators, a Newsletter Editor, and any and all Committees deemed necessary, the President may serve on all Committees. There shall be a Board of no more than 12 Directors elected for a three-year period on a rotating basis. The officers shall be elected annually. The outgoing President will serve as an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors for a period of two years. Sixty days before the Annual Meeting, the President shall appoint a Nominating and By-Laws Committee of three, none being officers, to bring a list of Nominees and amended By-Laws, if any for the ensuing year.  All positions listed in this Section 1 shall require Society membership in good standing.

Section 2 - The First Vice President and Second Vice President shall perform the duties of the President when the President is absent or unable to act. In addition, the First and Second Vice Presidents shall perform other duties that may be assigned by the Board of Directors.

Section 3 - The Recording Secretary shall record minutes of all meetings, have another officer review and distribute.

Section 4 - The Membership Chairperson shall notify all members at least 2 weeks before the Annual Meeting stating the place, date and hour of the meeting and shall keep a record of all members.

Section 5 - The Corporate Society shall have a common seal.

Section 6 - The Directors shall fill Officer and Director vacancies and may by a vote of two-thirds of their number remove any officer director or a member of any committee elected or appointed by them for cause including malfeasance, issues of competence, or absence from more than fifty percent (50%) of scheduled meetings in a 12-month period.

They shall examine the books and accounts and cause them to be properly kept and audited. The Directors shall be responsible for maintenance and care of all other property of the Eastham Historical Society Inc.

Section 7 - The Treasurer shall have charge of current funds of the Society and shall pay from them all bills due from the Corporate Society. Proposed capital expenditures relative to any property owned by the Corporate Society must be submitted for bids and approved by the Directors. The Treasurer shall keep and have charge of the accounts of the Society. A detailed

report of the receipts and expenditures shall be made at each meeting of the Society, and of the Board of Directors.  Should the Treasurer be unable to carry out the duties of the Treasurer for any reason, the Executive Committee must have ready access to necessary financial information.  The President shall appoint one Officer or Director, other than the Treasurer, to have access at all times to all financial records, including any accounting software and passwords that might be in use

   Section 8 - Any extraordinary expenditures in excess of $1000.00 must be approved in advance by the Board of Directors.

    Section 9 – There shall be a Curator Team for each museum.  The President shall appoint at least three members to serve on each team, one of whom shall be the Curator of the museum. The team will suggest and implement displays.  The Curator will be responsible for the day-to-day operating details of the museum as well as keeping the Board appraised of all displays and significant issues pertaining to the museum.

Section 10 - The Archivist shall keep the records of the monthly Treasurer’s reports, the monthly meeting minutes, the Annual Meeting minutes and any other records deemed necessary.

Section 11 – There shall be an Events Committee to set up presentations for fund raising purposes.  The President shall appoint at least three members to serve on this committee

Section 12 – The Officers, as defined in Section 1 above, when acting as a group, shall be known as the Executive Committee.  The Executive Committee has the authority to discuss any potentially sensitive personnel issues that might arise and is allowed to meet in private session if desired.  By majority vote, they shall have the right to discuss performance issues with any Director or Volunteer of the Society and make removal or dismissal recommendations to the Board of Directors.  The Executive Committee shall also have the right to make emergency decisions when it is not feasible to get a majority vote of the Board of Directors.  Such emergencies include facility repairs that could result in serious or expensive damage if not attended to immediately.


Section 1- A regular meeting is held monthly and is open to all members.

Section 2 – An Annual meeting shall be held each calendar year for the purpose of electing directors and officers and for the transaction of such business as may properly come before the meeting. The Annual Meeting shall be held on or before May 31 following the previous Annual Meeting at a time and place designated by the Board of Directors.

Section 3 - Roberts Rules of Order shall govern all decisions of the presiding officer at all meetings.


Section 1 -The Society shall consist of all dues paying members.

Section 2 - The annual membership fee shall be determined by the Directors no later than the October Monthly meeting of each fiscal year.  Invoices for upcoming dues shall be sent by December 10 of each fiscal year.


Section 1 -The By-Laws may be altered, amended or repealed only at an annual or specially called meeting of the Corporate Society, provided notice has been given of the proposed amendment, alteration or repeal at least 2 weeks before such meeting, and by a vote of a majority of all members present at such a meeting. 

Section 2 - Should the Eastham Historical Society, Inc. be dissolved, all books, accounts, property and material possessions of the Society shall be turned over to the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Eastham, Massachusetts.


Section 1- A regular meeting is held monthly and is open to all members.

Section 2 – An Annual meeting shall be held each calendar year for the purpose of electing directors and officers and for the transaction of such business as may properly come before the meeting. The Annual Meeting shall be held on or before May 31 following the previous Annual Meeting at a time and place designated by the Board of Directors.

Section 3 - Roberts Rules of Order shall govern all decisions of the presiding officer at all meetings


Section 1 -The Society shall consist of all dues paying members.

Section 2 - The annual membership fee shall be determined by the Directors before the end of the preceding year.


Section 1 -The By-Laws may be altered, amended or repealed only at an annual or specially called meeting of the Corporate Society, provided  notice has been given of the proposed amendment, alteration or repeal at least 2 weeks before such meeting, and by a vote of a majority of all  members present at such a meeting.


Section 2 - Should the Eastham Historical Society, Inc. be dissolved, all books, accounts, property and material possessions of the Society shall be  turned over to the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Eastham, Massachusetts.

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